بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيم

28th Safar is the grim date on the Islamic calendar that represents the passing away of Muhammad e Mustafa (S.A.W.W) and his grandson Hasan ibn Ali (A.S). No words can ever do justice to the life and character of Rasool e Khuda Muhammad (S.A.W.W). Through him, Allah showered his kindness and blessings on the people of this world. There is no way to sum up the life of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) except perhaps by a Hadith narrated by himself when a group of companions asked him to curse the infidels, and his response was: "I am not sent for this; nor was I sent but as mercy to mankind.
The life of Muhammad (A.S) is a beacon of light for all mankind. Allah says in the Quran: "O Prophet! Indeed We have sent you as a beholder (witness) and a bearer of glad tidings and a warner. And as a summoner to Allah by His permission, and as an illuminating light. And give glad tidings to the believers that they will have a great bounty from Allah". (33:45-47) Indeed, as Muhammad (S.A.W.W) said about Islam that: "(Islam) is spacious (and has room for relaxation), and I have been sent with an easy and straightforward religion." This fact coupled with Quran`s statement that "There is no compulsion in religion ..." (2:256) shows us that Allah sent down his most complete religion and bestowed his blessings on mankind through his most beloved messenger, Muhammad (S.A.W.W). Muhammad (S.A.W.W) spent his entire life for the cause of Islam. His exemplary character throughout his life inspired people in the hundreds. He had started preaching in Mecca under very hostile circumstances, and by the time he was performing his last Hajj, he had managed to completely overturn the face of Arab society. According to some traditions, there were as much as one hundred thousand muslims present at Ghadeer e Khum (the final gathering before the Prophet left this world). It was nothing short of a miracle that Islam had gained so many followers in the life of Muhammad (S.A.W.W). No one in human history has ever been able to combine in himself all of the virtues and good qualities as perfectly as the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W). On several occassions, Muhammad (S.A.W.W) advised his companions to be generous and merciful to their fellow human beings. He preached for kindness and high morals. Even though he possessed the highest status of all men, he was humble and as simple as a common man. Often when new people arrived to meet him, they had to ask, "Which one of you in the Prophet?". He led a simple life, and had no love for luxuries or illusions of this mortal world. The Prophet treated everyone with great respect and considered nobility and honour to be owing to faith, piety, and good behaviour. He was not interested in wealth or status, nor did he revere anybody for their riches or position. Instead, he advised his companions to always remember death. The Holy Prophet of Islam immensely loved the ritual prayers, but on occasions when people demanded to talk to him about something, he would say his ritual prayers briefly and instead, pay attention to the demands and needs of the people. He would spare no efforts to fulfill the people`s needs. He paid great respect to everyone who visited him, and was extremely considerate of their feelings. Anas ibn Malik, who was the servant the Prophet (S.A.W.W), has narrated, "I used to prepare milk for the Prophet to break his fast with. One night he was home late. Thinking that he had been a guest at somebody`s house and thus had broken his fast there, I drank the milk. Before long he returned home. I asked his companions if he had broken his fast and they said that he had not. "When the Holy Prophet of Islam was informed of the matter, he made no remark about it and behaved as if he were not hungry at all and went without supper with a cheerful face. The next day he also fasted." But unfortunately as Islam rose to power under the inspirational leadership of Muhammad (S.A.W.W), a lot of opportunists joined the bandwagon and caused grief to Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and his family for many years to come. Mohammad (S.A.W.W) had a very difficult time during his last days when he was constantly disturbed by the quarreling people around him which gave him great suffering and pain, and he had to ask them to leave him alone and go away. He asked some companions present there to bring him paper and pen so he could write instructions for them so they would not go astray. �However, a group of companions that Prophet(S.A.W.W) was overtaken with severe pain due to his illness and has lost consciousness. They quarreled with the others and did not bring anything to the Prophet(saww) to write despite his instructions, and instead kept on insisting that the Quran was sufficient for them and they do not need any written instruction from the Prophet(S.A.W.W). The Prophet(S.A.W.W) ordered them to leave him alone. What was more troublemose was that after the Prophet(S.A.W.W) passed away, only a handful of followers were present at his Namaz e Janaza, and the rest of the prominent companions were busy deciding succession of the caliphate of Islam. They showed their true colors by giving more importance to matters of succession than to take part in the burial of the very man who had introduced them to Islam. Such is the story of Islam after Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W), where his Ahl-e-Bait (A.S) were constantly denied their rights and oppressed. In his last moments, Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.W) was in the company of Hazrat Fatima(S.A). She heard a knock on the door and someone sought permission to enter. Bibi Fatima(S.A) said, "I am busy talking to my father. Don`t disturb us". The visitor knocked again, and got the same answer. The third time when this happened, the Prophet(S.A.W.W) said to Bibi Fatima(s.a.) "O my dear daughter, the angel of death is on the door and it is a great privilege of your house and of you that he is seeking your permission to do what he has been ordered by Allah to do. He does not seek permission from anyone else. O my daughter, my time to leave this earth has come and I must answer the call of Allah and submit to His will. Please allow the angel of death to enter and carry out his task." Bibi Fatima(S.A) started weeping and the Prophet(S.A.W.W) departed leaving her in tears. Several years later on 28th Safar 50 Hijri, Imam Hasan (A.S) embraced martyrdom. Imam Hasan(A.S) had a wife named Jada binte Ashas bin Qais. She was bribed to poison the Imam by Muaviya(L.A) on promise of a handsome amount of cash and marriage with his son Yazeed (L.A). She poisoned Imam Hasan(A.S) in milk with a poison called "Hilahil" and while Imam(A.S) was drinking it, his liver tore its pieces fell into the milk pot. Muaviya eventually went back on his word and abandoned Jada by saying that when she could conspire against a person such as Imam Hasan(A.S), she can conspire against anyone, so he would not marry his son with her. She was eventually thrown into a river on Muaviya`s orders. After his martyrdom, he was not allowed to be buried close to the Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.W) despite that being his will. His Janaza was stopped by a group of companions belonging to Bani Umayya lead by a prominent wife of the Prophet(S.A.W.W). The followers of Imam Ali(A.S) tried to take his Janaza several times to the Hujra of Prophet Mohammad(S.A.W.W) for burial but they could not. In the final effort, the janaza was attacked by arrows and according to a tradition, 70 arrows pierced in the body of Imam Hasan(A.S). Finally, he had to be buried in the darkness of the night in Jannat-ul-Baqi. May God curse the enemies of Ahl e Bait (A.S), and give us the courage to honor the life of Muhammad (S.A.W.W) by shapng our lives according to his Sunnah. Ameen.
رَبَّنَا تَقَبَّلْ مِنَّا إِنَّكَ أَنتَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَّآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَّعَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُمْ
وَالْعَنْ أَعْدَائَهُمْ اَجْمَعِيْن
🤲 اللھم عجل لولیک الفرج(ع)🤲
التماس دعا
فی امان لله